
Awesome Mac - Browse a Huge Selection of Mac Applications


I have exactly 449 different applications on my MacBook. My app purchases go all the way back to the early days of Mac OS X 10 and some are over 20 years old, like SuperDuper! and Default Folder X. In the intervening years, I've downloaded from many different developers, the Mac App Store, old favorites no longer with us like Version Tracker and before I got religion, I may have even got an app or two from BitTorrent. I still enjoy downloading and trying out news apps, even if it's hard to crack into my defaults, it's not impossible. This past year Raycast replaced Launchbar after 17 years and Obsidian replaced Evernote after 15 years. Maybe you'll find something to use on Awesome Mac.

If you've never been to AppAddict, check it out for its daily app reviews of Mac and iOS software, by your truly.

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