
Get Toby

Toby browser extension interface

I spend most of my workday in my browser. I happen to use Microsoft Edge, because I think it's awesome, for reasons, but I have spent years also using Chrome, Safari, Firefox and Camino. Most of the tools I need are browser based. I got yelled out on Reddit the other day because my tech stack doesn't contain enough tools to do real work according to some of The VerySmart People over there. Whatever, I manage to earn a decent enough salary and keep a few people entertained and informed with my poor under-equipped Macs. Browsers are great pieces of software because, through extensions you can really customize them for the kind of work that you do. As much as I like Edge, and I like it a lot, the one element that I would not wish on anyone is the new tab page. It's ugly, filled with links I'll never click on. You can turn some of the fluff off, but there are not a lot of ways to make the page truly useful.

Enter Toby. Toby works in all major browsers to replace the default new page. Toby allows you to save collection of links for quick access, so you can have collections that mirror your bookmarks for topics like weather, news tools etc. It will also save a browser full of tabs for you to reopen at a later time, so you don't have to worry about losing a bunch of pages that you're using for research or shopping or whatever they case may be. Toby has some team features and a paid plan, but honestly, I've never looked into them because I have never needed them.

Better than Bookmarks (

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