
Getting and Giving Computer Help

A serene man working on a computer while people arounf him are losing their cool

Here we are, almost a quarter of the way through with the 21st century. You've either been using a computer your whole life or since the 90s. Every day you meet people who know more and less than you do about the machines at the center of our lives, whether it's the pocket computer we somewhat foolishly continue to call a phone, your laptop or the thing that sits on a desk somewhere in your life. The rules for being a good human state that we have to offer help when we are asked and when we are capable. Whether it's our kids who are still learning what to do or our aging parents or our co-workers, people are going to need your help. You are also going to have times when you're the one seeking assistance.

Here are a couple of articles, one a classic and one I wrote myself based on a career spent helping people that can help you out in either scenario.

How to Talk to Tech Support - I Beg You to Use These Techniques to Get Your Issues Solved Quickly and Efficiently While Keeping Your Cool and Getting Back to Work!| Lou Plummer (

How to help someone use a computer (

**Last 5 posts**
