
Just How Much Cocaine Was in Coca Cola?


Coca Cola is a fascinating cultural marker. Since its invention is Atlanta in 1886, no other beverage has reached into every corner of American life like Coke has. There are plenty of stories about the drink floating around. You've probably heard most of them, but have you ever investigated? Let's look at a few.

Fact check: Cocaine in Coke? Soda once contained drug but likely much less than post claims

"Will Coke Dissolve A Nail?" Experiment –

Can Coca-Cola Prevent Pregnancy? |

Coca-Cola boycott launched after killings at Colombian plants | Marketing & PR | The Guardian

The Coca Cola company has done it's very best over the past twenty years to remove stories from the Internet about its involvement in the murder of union organizers by right wing death squads in Central America. Despite this, the general opinion is that it is true. Corporations are not your friend and they are not benevolent. Remember that.

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