
Making Mixtapes at Mixtape Garden

album covers from mixtape garden

Those of a certain age remember the care that went into the crafting of a mixtape, from the care of the LPs used to record from, the quality of the tapes you chose to use, to the hard choices on what songs to include and in what order to place them. Making a Spotify playlist just isn't the same. Plus, it costs money - money that goes to a mercenary company that overvalues itself and undervalues artists. If you want to make the 21st century equivalent of a mixtape, use Mixtape Garden. It's easy.

Mixtape Garden is a site for making mixtapes together! Here's how to use it:

  1. Make an account and log in
  2. Make a new mixtape
  3. Add seven YouTube videos to your mixtape

Once it's full, your mixtape will be automatically converted into a single, crossfaded mp3 that can be streamed or downloaded!

Mixtape Garden

