


Where I'm from there are still people making illegal corn liquor in stills. There are still raids on those stills by law enforcement and people are still going to jail over it. We have may names for what's commonly known as moonshine: white liquor, white lighting, stumphole liquor and just shine. It is still sold in mason jars, and you have to be careful who you buy it from as there are cases of people using old car radiators in the production of moonshine that resulted in the lead poisoning of their customers.

I've linked to a couple of the most famous moonshiners in North Carolina history.

Carbine Williams was from the same county I live in. He was convicted of killing a sheriff's deputy during a raid on his still and sentenced to 30 years in prison, during which time he developed a prototype for the M1 Carbine rifle used in WW2, Korea and the early days in Vietnam. He was played by Jimmy Stewart in a film about his life in the early 1950s.

Junior Johnson also served time for alcohol related crimes before becoming one of the most successful stock car racers of his time. He was immortalized in song by Bruce Springsteen and made more famous by Tome Wolfe's depiction of him as the last American Hero in a famous magazine story. Today he is still making moonshine, although legally this time at a distillery he owns.

I've also linked to the website of a Howling Moon Distillery in Asheville because it features a comprehensive history of moonshine and moonshiners.

#Alcohol #Blaugust2024 #History