Moustaches Everywhere
My recent travels exposed me to a greater variety of people than I'm used to seeing. Call me ignorant or unobservant, I had no idea moustaches had become popular again. Many of the men in my hometown are active-duty members of the Army's 82nd Airborne Infantry Division or the Special Forces Command where stateside facial hair regulations keep most soldiers bare faced. At work, I'm surrounded by young college age students who are pretty homogeneous and moustaches rare.
Walking through airports and the much larger than I'm used to city of Austin, TX, I saw hairy lips everywhere. Quite a few guys had a good facsimile of Daniel Day Lewis' droopy extended stache from Gangs of New York. Not so many older guys made the attempt to do the Tom Selleck imitation. There were a few patchouli smelling, flannel wearing twirler ends guys. I snickered at all of them.
The Return Of The Mustache: the Best Mustache Styles
What Your Mustache Says About You
It's the return of the moustache but style experts give it a big no-no
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