
Remembering Geocities


The first online communities most of us olds belonged to were proprietary siloed services that we dialed into on our 2400bps modems, like Compuserve, Prodigy and AOL. Around 1996, the real Internet became available and you could dial in, connect and use a browser, usually Netscape Navigator to connect to what was called the World Wide Web. Every single site looked home made, even the White House. It was full of flashing icons, under construction signs and other wholesome goodness. A lot of us decided we wanted to get in on the fun and make our own websites. There was a company that let you do just that, Geocities. Me and millions of my friends learned how to use tables and hyperlinks and other pre-CSS, pre-Javascript tools to lead the way on Web 1.0 in the first explosion of personal blogs. Today most blogs are much more about content than design, with a few notable exceptions. Still, it's worth taking a look back at where this all started if you are in any way interested in the creative heritage of the Internet.

GeoCities - Wikipedia

The Geocities Gallery (

GeoCities in 1996 - Web Design Museum

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