
The Funniest Sites on the Internet


Who among us has not looked at cat videos on the Internet? Who didn't email their contacts the video of "Charlie bit my finger" back in the early days of the old YouTube? I miss some of the classics from the early days that you young ones have never even heard of, like Walter Miller's homepage. Even today, there are times when I just want to kill some time without trying to edify myself in any way. I just want funny memes and irreverent copy. I want to laugh without thinking too hard.

If you have something I need to see on the humor frontier, please leave a link in the comments.

Here are a few of my go to sites:

  1. The Onion - the best fake news paper ever
  2. Reddit - there are some dead serious subreddits and there are some that are so funny you will pee your pants. This is a list of the latter.
  3. Imgur - this is where the memes are. I once had a buddy who was so addicted to this site, he almost lost his job because he could not stop looking at it.
  4. Cracked - will make you smarter and make you laugh at the same time. At Cracked they say the quiet parts out loud.
  5. The Oatmeal - to prove I am not a snob, here are some cartoons

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