
The Right Steve


Steve Jobs gets lots and lots of ink, even years after his death. He's been the subject of a best-selling book, multiple movies and countless works of hagiography by fawning members of the tech press. The problem for me is that was a a stingy, narcissistic sociopath and a terrible human being who for years as a billionaire refused to support his own child and when he was forced to, he othered her and was mentally abusive. So, yeah, fuck that guy.

I like to concentrate on the other founder of Apple Computers, the guy who never left, who still has a parking space, an ID card and who has been a much-loved force for good in the world, Steve Wozniak. He is funny, engaging, a philanthropist and reputed to be just a really nice guy Spend some time learning about him and forget about the other guy.

Officially Woz | A Free Exchange of Information : Officially Woz

Steve Wozniak - Wikipedia

Steve Wozniak - CHM (

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