
What Do You Know About Internet Trolls

Woman standing beside a character poster
Brianna Wu, Gamergate Target

Who Is in Danger?

My connection with Internet trolling is mostly intellectual. I know what it is. I know the names and sordid history of some famous trolls and trolling campaigns, most famously Gamergate, the right-wing male dominated hate campaign that began in 2014 and morphed into the alt-right movement and a vital element of Trumpism. But, as an older, straight white male, I can hardly conflate the online meanness I've dealt with against what women, POC and LGBT folks go through on the regular. The mobs go after the people they have always gone after. Luckily, from my time on the Indy Web and Mastodon, there seems to be less hate speech on the small web than on the mainstream one. A recent spate of attacks on a trans writer from Mac Stories was roundly denounced and people stood by her. It made me feel good to be on the right team. I encourage you, from whatever seat of privilege you may hold, to always be an anti-troll and an ally to people who needs one. If you don't know how, ask.

Gamergate | Summary, Facts, & Zoe Quinn | Britannica

How Trolls Are Ruining The Internet | TIME

Internet Trolling: How Do You Spot a Real Troll? (

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