
What is your IQ


"I used to be smart", I tell my wife all the time. It's a sad fact that years of active alcoholism robbed me of quite a few IQ points. There was a significant discrepancy between my scores as an adult and the testing that was done in my late teens. Hopefully, I've gained back some of that mental capacity by years of clean living, but I remember when things were easier to figure out and when I could better hold my own in debates with smart people. It can be frustrating. I know of other people in the recovery community who have had the same experience. The old wive's tale that alcohol pickles your brain actually isn't too far from the truth.

Here are a few IQ related links.

Top 10 Highest IQ Ever Recorded

The Reality of Online IQ Tests: A Critical Evaluation | by Kathleen J. Ruby | Medium

cogniDNA - What Are the IQs of Famous People?

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