
Worst Computer Virus Ever

MyDoom Computer Virus

I've been working in IT support since the mid-nineties. In my career I've been very fortunate to have dome mostly Mac support, but I've always been a backup to the Windows team. Helping them with mass virus infestations has been one of the least fun things I have ever done. Imagine having to remediate infections so bad that thousands of computers had to be manually wiped by a technician or engineer sitting at the keyboard of one computer at the time. Been there, done that with with many of the infections on these lists of the worst viruses of all time including Conficker, Klex, SoBig, WannaCry and CryptoLocker.

By some miraculous set of circumstances, I never had to go to battle with the worst and most expensive computer virus ever, MyDoom, which had an inflation adjusted negative impact on the economy of $52 Billion and accounted for 25% of all the emails sent in the world at the height of the infection.

The Top 10 Worst Computer Viruses in History | HP® Tech Takes

Top 10 most dangerous computer viruses of all time (

11 of the Most Dangerous Computer Viruses and How to Avoid Them | All About Cookies

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